类型:美剧 / 其它
导演:Jim Finnerty – Executive Producer / Tom Fontana – Executive Producer / Barry Levinson – Execut
演员:Cyril O’Reily – Scott Winters / Ryan O’Reily – Dean Winters / James Robson – R.E. Rodgers / Augustus Hill – Harold Perrineau
【类型】: 剧情【影片长度】: 平均60分钟【集数】: 全季共8集【字幕】: 中文【服务器】: 随机【分享时间】: 全天24小时HBO的这部暴力,描写监狱生活的剧集是一部令人上瘾,激素窜升的肥皂剧。第一季的8集给整个剧集设定了基调:大量演员塑造的栏杆内外逼真的人物形象,4,5个故事以快速而令人窒息的速度发展,并伴有愤怒而古怪的旁述和戏剧性增长的死亡率。由杀人犯(Homicide)的制片人Tom Fontana创作,这部剧集很快赢得了“最暴力的电视节目”的称号。本片像是简单的化学反应:在一个局限的密封的容器内融合各种爆炸性的元素并用力摇动Oswald劳教所(被犯人亲切的称为OZ)的黄砖路延伸到“Emerald城”–用混凝土和玻璃建造的洁净的狱所,由监狱改造倡导者Tim McManus监管。第一季介绍了两位最引人注目的犯人:律师Beecher,从一个懦弱的羊羔变成一个无畏的吸毒的山猫:还有穆斯林积极分子Kareem Said,一个凶猛的非暴力领袖,其监狱改造运动最终以季末高潮的暴动结束。第一季的演员还有:Ernie Hudson–狱长,Rita Moreno–戒毒修女,Edie Falco–女巡视长官。DVD封面介绍:欢迎来到“Emerald城”,Oswald一级戒备监狱的实验单位,也被称作“OZ”。由Tim McManus负责,狱长Leo Glynn监管,“Emerald城”是犯人接受惩罚的地方。无论一个罪犯或杀人犯多么冷酷无情,无论你在这里要呆几年还是一辈子,每个人都有一个角色饰演。进去之后,谨慎挑选朋友。每一个团体–穆斯林,拉丁裔,意大利裔,德裔–接近朋友远离敌人。不要微笑。给自己找样武器。站在每个人一边,如果你可以的话。。。个人评述:OZ是HBO第一部独立制作的并广受好评的电视剧集,彻底打破了以前一直购买公共电视台节目的历史。OZ表面上写的是监狱的生活,实际上给观众展示了很多社会热点问题,如死刑的争议(由于美国受到宗教的影响很深,对死刑这一惩罚形式一直争论不休,圣经上有这样的话:THY SHALL NEVER KILL–汝永不可杀生,在片中也有提到,现在美国也是只有部分州有死刑),政客们对普通百姓生活的漠不关心,官匪交易,种族歧视等等。可以说OZ是社会的一个缩影,这个缩影有些另类,是把人推向了极端环境下的缩影。另外,OZ也带给观众一些思考,尤其是对人生观的思考,片中也有一些名句的出现:DEATH IS CERTAIN, LIFE IS NOT等。整部片子始终围绕着一个重要的主题:生存,就算是进了监狱也要生存下去,监狱中的生存要比外面困难得多,SURVIVOR这个节目大家都很熟悉了,监狱风云可以说是终极SURVIVOR,每个犯人的生存方法都不同,各有技巧,各有手腕。另一个主题是人心理上的变化,本片为大家展示了人在犯了罪之后的一系列心理变化。如果你对以上这些严肃的话题不感兴趣,OZ另一个方面也会吸引你:惊心动魄的剧情,一个又一个悬念,4,5个故事同时进行,可以说每一个镜头都没有浪费,比现在的很多电影大片还要震撼,只不过没有炫目的特技罢了,每季只有8集(第四季为16集),但比看了22集还要激动。总之,这部片子真正做到了雅俗共赏,在我的心目中排名第二(第一当然是SIX FEET UNDER,没有悬念),被很多评论家评为不可不看的剧集之一。HBO’s violent men-behind-bars drama is an addictive, testosterone-driven soap opera forguys. The eight episodes of the first season set the style for the show: a massive castof a vivid characters on both sides of the bars, four or five stories unleashed at abreakneck pace and framed by angry, oddball introductions, and a soaring casualty rate.Created by Homicide producer Tom Fontana, this drama quickly earned its rightful reputationas the most brutal show on TV. It’s simple chemistry: combine volatile ingredients in aconfined space, shut tight, and shake.The yellow brick road of the Oswald Correctional Facility (affectionately known as "Oz"among the inmates) leads to "Emerald City," an antiseptic cellblock of cement and glassoverseen by prison-reform advocate Tim McManus (Terry Kinney). The first episode introducesits two most compelling inmates: meek lawyer Beecher (Lee Terguson), who transforms froma vulnerable lamb to a fearless, drug-addicted wildcat, and Muslim activist Kareem Said(Eamonn Walker), a fiercely non-violent leader whose campaign for reform explodes in aseason-climaxing riot. The stunning first-season cast also features Ernie Hudson (thewarden), Rita Moreno (a worldly drug-counseling nun), and Edie Falco (who jumped from herrole as a single-mother prison guard to mob wife in The Sopranos). It carries no rating,but the drug use, nudity, and brutal violence make this highly inappropriate for youngviewers and unsuited to the squeamish. Oz pulls no punches in its portrayal of prisonviolence and predatory abuse. –Sean AxmakerDescriptionWelcome to Emerald City, an experimental unit of the Oswald Maximum Security Prison or"Oz." As run by Tim McManus and overseen by Warden Leo Glynn, Em City is about prisonerrehabilitation over public retribution. Now matter how hardened a criminal or killer,whether you’re in for a few years or in for life, you have a role to play. Once inside,choose your friends carefully. Every group–Muslims, Latinos, Italians, Aryans–sticksclose to mutual friends and terrorizes mutual enemies. Don’t smile. Get yourself a weapon.Stay on everybody’s good side if you can find one. This is the complete first season, all8 episodes.由于酒后驾车撞死了一个女孩,从此一个律师身败名裂,妻离子散,狱中他从一个弱者成为杀人不眨眼的变态狂爱尔兰裔,在监狱中是少数派,但是他聪明过人,手腕高超,玩弄各大帮派首脑于掌心穆斯林首领,外表很清高,但内心却一直没有面对自己是黑人的事实 【下载地址】
